Friday, December 11, 2009


aku benci bile aku marah!
korg ni mmg mcm pukimak lah..
aku sakit hati tol lah...
pg mmpos lah semua!!..
ape ko igt aku takot...
meh lah jumpe aku!..
aku sikit pun xgentar dgn ko lah sial!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

time kasih :D

setelah lame aku tidak memblogger...fuh terase gian sejenak..
klu korang nak tau aku x update aku nye blogger cuz aku sakit..kene gastrik bai!..gastrik dtg blik..sob3..aku kene muntah2,demam pening kepala..
rase2 nye turun lah 10kg! hahaa..nmpk sgt menipu kan kan?hihih...turun sikit je brt bdn..ade ke org kate aku nie xnak mkn cuz nak diet!..urm aduh!!..korg xtau..dah aku xlapa akn nak mkn gak!..kte kene lah ikot sunnah nabi..behenti sebelum kenyang mkn sebelum lapa..ade fhm?? adek manis! gaye aku cakap dah mcm ustazah tudung labuh syok jgk sakit nie..dpt lebih layanan dr parents n org tercinta.time kasi laahh..kerana aku sakit org yg aku sayang ttp di cc aku...wallaweyyy terharu rasenye..hihi...thnx to my family n my hacks sayang.

Monday, November 16, 2009

how am i to say??

“I thought that by telling myself and everyone else that I hated you. That sooner or later I would come to believe it. But I now realize that by lying, it makes me want you even more.”
A girl takes too much time to love and few seconds to hate. But a boy takes few seconds to love and too much time to hate
Its amazing how someone can break your heart, but yet you still love them with every broken piece
“I was first hurt by someone I really love. I didn’t want to give up, even if it hurts. But one day… I did. Why? Because I got so tired and exhausted. I realized how hard it is to love someone who’s not meant for you.”
“I got tired of waiting for you… I don’t wanna get hurt anymore. So I’m gonna stop hoping and I’ll try to move on… but I’ll walk away slowly… real slow… so if by any chance you wanna stop me, you can still catch up.”

Sunday, November 15, 2009

me myself and i.

It is all about my feelings, my pleasures, my happiness, and me. It is all about me even when things have noting to do with me. Any decision I make in my life or any thing I do shall return some kind of happiness or pleasure back to me. It is all about me - because I will not function normally any other way. I hate pain and suffering and the only time I willingly put up with it is when I obtain something back that makes me feel good about myself. I am constantly thinking how to make myself happy. Do you recognize me now? Yes,
I am “the human”


I'm so frustrated....
it's so frustrating working with him ,i was so frustrated,
i stopped caring just a little disappointed that really hurt me.
I'm so disappointed i'm really disappointed in you.
I didn't know you could stoop to that level i'm so fucking pissed.
I'm going to slash his tires and make him pay.


I hate you,
I hate how you complain,
I hate how you moan,
I hate how you groan,
I hate how you criticize,
I hate how you fuss,
I hate how you cuss,
I hate how you get angry,
I hate how you get mad,
I hate how you get up-tight,
I hate how you get pissed-off,
I hate how you get aggravated,
I hate how you [...]

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Ya Allah..
Ampunilah apa saja yang telah lalu dari
Lindungilah apa yang tersisa dari usia ku..
Tunjukanlah kepadaku amal perbuatan
yang bersih yang kau redhai dariku..
Ya Allah..
sesungguhnya aku adalah lemah.
maka kuatkanlah dengan keredhaanMu
peganglah ubun-ubunku dan bawalah aku
ke arah kebaikan dan jadikanlah
agama islam pokok harapanku..
Ya Allah..
sesungguhnya aku ini lemah,
kerana itu kuatkan lah aku dan
sesungguhnya aku ini hina,
kerana itu muliakanlah dan
sesungguh aku ini miskin,
kerana itu berikanlah aku kecukupan.


sahabat yang baik

1. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 5 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dan sanggup mati kerana anda.
2. Sekurang-kurangnya ada 15 orang dalam dunia ini menyayangi anda dalam beberapa cara.
3. Sebab utama seseorang membenci anda adalah kerana dia ingin menjadi seperti anda.
4. Senyuman daripada anda boleh membawa kebahagiaan kepada seseorang walaupun dia tidak menyukai anda.
5. Setiap malam ada seseorang mengingati anda sebelum dia tidur.
6. Anda amat bermakna dalam hidup seseorang.
7. Kalau bukan kerana anda, seseorang itu tidak akan hidup bahagia.
8. Anda seorang yang istimewa dan unik.
9. Seseorang yang anda tidak ketahui menyayangi anda.
10. Apabila anda membuat kesilapan yang sangat besar, ada hikmah disebaliknya.
11. Sekiranya anda merasakan anda dipinggirkan, fikirlah semula; mungkin anda yang meminggirkan mereka.
12. Apabila anda terfikir anda tidak mempunyai peluang untuk mendapatkan sesuatu yang anda ingini, mungkin anda tidak akan memperolehinya, tetapi sekiranya anda percaya pada diri sendiri lambat-laun anda akan memperolehinya.
13. Kenangilah segala pujian yang anda terima. Lupakan segala maki hamun, caci & cela.
14. Jangan takut untuk meluahkan perasaan anda; anda akan merasa senang bila seseorang mengetahuinya.
15. Sekiranya anda mempunyai sahabat baik, ambillah masa untuk memberitahunya yang dia adalah yang terbaik.

Seminit Hanya seminit diperlukan untuk mendapat sahabat baik, sejam untuk menghargainya, sehari untuk menyayanginya, tapi sepanjang hidup untuk melupakannya. Hantarlah pesanan ini kepada orang yang anda tidak akan lupa dan hantarkan juga kepada orang yang menghantar pesanan ini. Ini adalah pesanan pendek untuk menyatakan yang anda sentiasa mengingatinya. Kalau anda tidak menghantar pesanan ini, bermakna anda sudah melupakan kawan-kawan anda. Ambillah sedikit masa dan anda sudah pasti memberi keceriaan kepada seseorang atau mungkin mengubah hidup mereka kepada yang lebih baik.

“Never take some one for granted, Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones.” Remember this always in life.

speak korean

nurul afiff-hago shinae-e kayo meaning- 'I am going to town with nurul afiff'.

If you want to request someone to wait for you, you would say kidariseyo (Please wait !!).
The use of -seyo means that you have a special respect for the person, for example if you say hansongsaengnim-i hakkyo-e kaseyo ,you are saying Mr Han is going to school. ( But you are also showing special respect for him ).

Here are some words and phrases that are useful in every day life.

ye = Yes

an-ni-o = No

an nyong ha sye yo? = Hello, How are you? ( note: this can also be used in reply)

an nyong hi - ka sye yo = Good Bye

k wen chah nah yo = Its ok, Its fine

ottok'ke ch nae sye yo? = How are you?

chal chi nae yo = Fine (in reply to "ottok'ke ch nae sye yo?")

kam sa ham ni da = Thank you (used in a formal way)

ko map sum ni da = Thank you (used in a less formal way)

choe song ham ni da = Sorry (used with more emphasis, weight)

mian ham ni da = Sorry (used with less emphasis)

last year..

A: "Hey zara. I heard you are seeing someone."
B: "Yeah. His name is afiff. I started dating him a last year ago."
A: "That's so exciting. Tell me all about him. Is he good looking?"
B: "I think he's nice, but not drop dead gorgeous."
A: "How did you meet him?"
B: "I go to this mamak stall a lot and this guy is always there. We started talking a couple of times, and he finally asked me out and ask my phone number."
A: "That's so cool. What does he do for a living?"
B: "He works in as personal assistance."
A: "Do you know if he makes a lot of money?"
B: "I don't know for sure, but he drives a nice car and I heard he has a house."
A: "How is his personality?"
B: "He's very smart and a great person to talk to. In the beginning, we talked for about 30 minutes a day in the mamak stall before he asked me out. Besides that, he's very sweet and romantic."
A: "How old is he?"
B: "That's the problem. He is 4 years oldest than me. What do you think about that?"
A: "I don't see anything wrong with that 4 years, is no big deal."
B: "Yeah. That's what I think."
A: "When do I get to meet him?"
B: "How about a double date. The four of us can go out to dinner and a drink or something."
A: "That sounds great. How about next Saturday?"
B: "I think Saturday will be good. Let's double check with the guys and get back to each other."
A: "Great. I'll call you later then."
B: "Ok. Talk to you later."

Talking about your friends' boyfriend

"She told me he was a good kisser."poyo kan??
"Her boyfriend is a jerk. He treats her like crap. I don't know why she doesn't break up with him."
"I don't think he is that smart. He failed to get into college and he is doing manual labor right now."
"I heard he hit her before. Someone should warn her before it's too late."
"He's so cheap. He never pays for anything."
"I think he is just using your friends because she has a lot of money. Why else would he date her?"kesian kan...

bored-calling someone

"Hi Jayne, this is Zara. Do you have time to talk?"
"Hi Zara, sure, I was just watching TV."
"What are you watching?"
"I was just watching a re-run of friends. How about you? What are you doing?"
"Nothing much. I really wanted to start studying for the electrical controller coming up, but I can't seem to motivate myself."
oh goshh!..poor me..

morning rise&sunshine

M-ake the most of it.
O-pen your heart and mind.
R-emember to thank God.
N-ever frown
I-magine me
N-othing to worry.
G-ood Morning!
Wish you have nice day and of course good morning

Friday, November 13, 2009


ish kacau betul lah adek2 aku nie!!..
pantang aku nak on9 ade je yg nak menyebok,
nak gune laptop lah ape lah itu lah ini lah..
dah lah sis die ni nak usha2 org kat lua sane tu..
siblings aku nie ptng sis dye nak gne..
xdpt nak mara2 aku lak, tension siot!!!
lepas tu nak merajok2 ishh!! g lah belaja!..
lps tu kate "along sudah lah tu,"kate adek aku iman.
errgggghhhhh.. gne lah desktop nak gak gne laptop
haiyaaaaaaaa...bikin aku kasi tumit n kaki je..ape kess???
sebab aku syg kan adek2 aku (konon) 'ter'paksa lah bg..
nnt perang mulut sis die jgk yg kene..
adoiyai rimass do! i'm speechless..huhuh...sob3!

Dear Friends,

My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad my friend,
my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness,
with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

oh lalaaaa

Today aku dpt byk perfume.Wow very best!.(gle excited!)hahaaaaaaahaa
aku g kidnap/ambek dkt adek sdare aku,nasib bek lah die xmara..ish2..
ape kessss..haahaaa..lg pun perfume die sedozen doe!.
korang nak ckp aku jahat ape kess,aunt aku pun xkesah.
skrg nie dah pnng kepala sbb mcm2 bau ade...ergghh pitam a few min je..
hahaah korang jgn jeles..actually aku bosan so aku memenatkan diri aku
dkt blogger yg mcm haram jadah doe..hahaaa..ok lah aku pnt laaa..bye2..

Thursday, November 12, 2009


got to go...


Thanks for being my lover

Thanks for being my friends

Thanks for thinking about me

Thanks for care about me

Thanks for everything you did for me

Thank you for the good times

The days you filled with pleasure

Thank you for fond memories,

And for feelings

I’ll always treasure

But I’m so glad you did..


huh!! today hari plg memenatkan..
wlupun aku xbyk sgt bwt ape2 aktiviti yg extrem..
rase2 nya cm nak g urut je bdn ni laa...
gune kerusi gintell jeee..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

oh love

Love is patient,

love is kind.

It does not envy,

it does not boast,

it is not proud.It is not rude,

it is not self-seeking.

It is not easily angered,

it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil,

but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,

always trusts,

always hopes,

always perseveres.

Love never fails